Concrete perspectives July-August 2013


Newsletter July-A Construction



BIBM position on Market Surveillance and Product Safety

The European Commission previously proposed a new package of legislative and non-legislative measures to improve consumer product safety and to strengthen market surveillance of products in the EU.


These legislative propositions are now (August) under first reading of the European Parliament’s Internal Market Committee.


The package includes:

Communication from the Commission on more product safety and better market surveillance in the Single Market for products


Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer product safety and repealing Council Directive 87/357/EEC and Directive 2001/95/EC


Proposal for a Regulation on market surveillance of products


BIBM believes that the Construction Products Regulation perfectly covers the market surveillance and product safety of construction products, therefore no additional burden should be created with doubled regulations.


Please follow this link to read BIBM position paper on Market Surveillance Package and Product Safety.


Public Consultation on Sustainable Buildings

The European Commission opened a Public Consultation on Sustainable Buildings with aim to gather views and additional information on the main environmental issues for the buildings sector, availability of data, systems to assess and communicate environmental performance of buildings, how to stimulate demand, and how construction materials could be used more efficiently.


The environmental impacts of buildings go beyond energy consumption for heating, cooling and lighting. In the EU, buildings account for:


– 42 % of final energy consumption (during their use phase)


– 35 % of greenhouse gas emissions (during use phase)


– 50 % of all extracted materials are used in building (construction and use)


– 30 % of water consumption (during construction and use)


– 30 % of total generated waste (during construction, demolition and renovation).


The Consultation runs until 1 October 2013. BIBM is currently working on its position and will submit the answer to the consultation in due course.


Lithuania takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union

On 1 July 2013, Lithuania took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. The “motto” of the presidency is “For a Credible, Growing and Open Europe”. As for the first aspect of the programme, the presidency aims to strengthen financial stability in order to restore Europe’s credibility. Implementing economic governance and deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union are key tasks in this context.


Regarding the second aspect of the programme, Lithuania plans to further strengthen the Single Market in order to ensure economic growth and better employment opportunities. Furthermore, it supports the realisation of Single Market Act I and advancing the new initiatives under Single Market Act 2.


Last but not least, the presidency will focus on developing a closer partnership with the Eastern partners. Therefore it will host the Eastern Partnership Summit in November 2013. Promotion of free trade with strategic partners such as the USA, Japan and Canada are also among the listed priorities for an Open Europe.


For further information please visit:

Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU

European Parliament –Priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency



Newsletter July-Aug Graph Euroindicators



Artstone Garden Sculpture


Christine Baxter is the artist of the Artstone Garden Sculpture, which is a UK based company. She is specialised in figurative garden sculpture with a personal and authentic touch. She uses Ciment Fondu and uses acid stains on some surfaces, usually used for insitu decorative paving. Her sculptures are on permanent display to the public at Wyndcliffe Court Gardens, near Chepstow until 29 September 2013.


For further pictures please contact the secretariat or visit the following












3-4 September 2013

Communication Commission & Directors meeting

Brussels, Belgium


9-10 September 2013

SAFECLADDING coordination meeting

Ljubiana, Slovenia


19 September 2013

CEN/TC 229/WG 4 on Product Category Rules

Brussels, Belgium


25-28 September 2013

Sustainable Building Conference 2013

Graz, Austria



27 September 2013

Silica Task Force

Brussels, Belgium





8 October 2013

CEN/TC 104/TG 20

Paris, France



9 October 2013

CEN/TC 104/TG 20/Editorial panel

Paris, France



15 October 2013

ECP Task Force on Fire Safety

Brussels, Belgium


16 October 2013

Environmental Commission

Brussels, Belgium


22 October 2013

BIBM Board meeting

Salzburg, Austria


23 October 2013

CEN/TC 229/WG 4 and WG 1

Brussels, Belgium


24 October 2013

Technical Commission

Brussels, Belgium


30-31 October 2013

Joint IPHA – BIBM Holcofire seminar

CERIB (Epernon), France




17 December

BIBM General Assembly

Brussels, Belgium