Concrete Perspectives November 2014

Construction Sector

  • On 26 November, The Concrete Initiative held its re-launch event in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. The event aimed at welcoming the new European Parliament, and introducing The Concrete Initiative to the new Members of the European Parliament.

Press Release – The Concrete Initiative

  • The Small Business Standards association issued a Press Release on 4 December about the European Commission’s initiative to ask Stakeholders and SMEs in particular on the draft Vademecum on European Standardisation.

    Position paper – Small Business Standards

    Press Release – Small Business Standards

  • On 2 December, Fire Safe Europe issued a White Paper which calls for a harmonised EU regulation on fire safety of buildings. The White Paper was issued in the framework of a raise awareness campaign day in the European Parliament to take action and revise EU regulations.

Press Release – Fire Safe Europe

White Paper – Fire Safe Europe

Live from the European Union

€325 billion investment plan to re-boost EU’s economy

After his election, the new president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has announced a plan to mobilise more than €300 billion in an effort to kick-start the European economy.

On 25 November, after the details of the mentioned investment plan was revealed, President Juncker explained how an initial €21 billion is expected to generate €240 billion for long-term investments and €75 billion for SMEs and mid-cap firms over the period 2015-2017. Furthermore, he explained, that investment will be directed towards Europe’s crisis hit south, away from the wealthier north in an effort to boost solidarity.

Speech President Juncker – European Commission

Investment Plan for Europe – European Commission

Transport Council meeting

On 3 December, ministers for Transport and Infrastructure came together in the framework of the Council meeting on Transport, Telecommunications and Energy.

In its conclusions, the Transport Council invited the European Commission to “acknowledge the role of building and operating transport infrastructure and efficient networks as a key driver for growth and jobs”.

Furthermore, it stressed that investments in the economy will contribute to Europe’s economic growth, job creation and better mobility. Transport infrastructure creates added a value and is one of the key sectors of Europe’s growth potential and encourages the further development of TEN-T networks.

Press Release – Transport Council

Conclusions – Transport Council

European Research & Development Scoreboard

On 4 December 2014, Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, presented the 2014 edition of the industrial R&D investment scoreboard. The 2014 Scoreboard shows that the top two sectors in terms of R&D investment, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology and Technology Hardware & Equipment. The highest R&D growth was seen in the Construction & Materials sector (13.6%).

Press Release – European Commission

Fact sheet – European Commission

National Award Winners

Villa Tussefaret – Drøbak, Norway

The Villa Tussefaret by Lie Øyen architects won the architectural price of 2014 in Norway, after the jury judged that it is a unique and innovative building that challenges the conventional detached house with its facades, its flexible floor plan and innovative interior design solutions.

The building consists of maximum transportable size of concrete elements, which were assembled on site.

The project also shows innovative use of concrete in the design, surfaces, joints and formats such as the exterior stair armrest.

News in brief



8 January 2015

BIBM advocacy event

Brussels, Belgium

12 January 2015

Masonry Alliance

Brussels, Belgium

14 January 2015

CEN/TC 229/WG 1 and WG 4

Brussels, Belgium

21 January 2015

ECP TF Sustainable Concrete

Conference Call

23-23 January 2015


Athens, Greece

27 January 2015

AhG Concrete Initiative

Brussels, Belgium

27 January 2015

Masonry Alliance Dinner

Brussels, Belgium


3 February 2015

CPE TF Implementation of CPR

Brussels, Belgium

4 February 2015

BIBM Board meeting

Brussels, Belgium

11 February 2015

CEN/TC/229 WG4

Brussels, Belgium

23 February 2015

BIBM Directors meeting

Ulm, Germany

27 February 2015

ECP TF Fire and Eurocodes

Brussels, Belgium


6 March 2015

ECP Board

Brussels, Belgium

24-25 March 2015

BIBM Technical Commission

Brussels, Belgium

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List of Acronyms

CPE – Construction Product Europe

CPR – Construction Products Regulation

ECP – European Concrete Platform

TF – Task Force

AhG – Ad-hoc Group