Concrete Perspectives July-August 2016

Construction Sector 

REFIT platform recommends action on Construction Products Regulation

REFIT platform (REFIT- Regulatory Fitness and Performance[1]) has recently decided that the revision of the Construction Products Regulation is necessary, in line with the recommendation of Construction Products Europe and FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation).

The implementation report on the CPR (published in July 2016) came to the conclusion that no changes to the regulation were required.

BIBM is strongly involved in cooperating with the Commission for improving the practical implementation of the CPR on the market, with the objective of making it business-friendly. As a result of our advocacy for the need of simplifying the CE-marking content the report states “Under a flexible interpretation of Article 9(2), the CE mark could contain only the critical information and refer to the DoP[2] for other information. The DoP would be either provided on paper with the product, electronically or via a website”.

However, the REFIT Platform has recently decided that changes to the CPR are indeed necessary. Thanks to the constructive and proactive dialogue with Construction Products Europe, the European Commission decided to revise the CPR in the interest of better regulation, having in mind the goals of simplification.

On 30 August, FIEC issued a press release in which it welcomed the recommendation of REFIT platform.

[1] REFIT is part of the Commission’s better regulation agenda. It makes sure that EU laws deliver their intended benefits for citizens, businesses and society while removing red tape and lowering costs. It also aims to make EU laws simpler and easier to understand.

[2] Declaration of Performance

Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock

In July, a new report was published by OPENEXP, entitled Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock — unleashing the 4th Industrial Revolution in Europe. The report aims to support the on-going review/revision of EU climate and energy policy instruments.

Public consultation is open on “Towards a common EU framework of core indicators for the environmental performance of buildings”

On 7 July the European Commission opened a public consultation on the core set of indicators for the environmental performance of buildings. The common work started in 2015 when The European Commission’s DG GROW[3], DG ENV[4] and Joint Research Centre[5] started to work together on the core indicators.

The first part of the work now has finished and the Commission consults all interested stakeholders. The consultation runs until 7 October 2016.

BIBM is developing an answer and plans to submit its response soon.

[3] Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

[4] Directorate General for Environment

[5] Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s in-house science service

The Concrete Initiative Position Paper & Annual event

The Concrete Initiative published its position paper on the currently ongoing the review of the Energy Performance of Building Directive. The European Commission is expected to issue the new legislative proposal late September/ early October this year.

Furthermore, the annual Concrete Dialogue 2016 will be held on 17 November in the Brussels Meeting Centre Square. The event aims at addressing the urging issues of energy poverty, social housing and holds the title “Responsible solutions to Europe’s housing and infrastructure challenges?”.

Live from the European Union

Slovakia takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

On 1 July 2016 Slovakia took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Slovak Presidency has four priorities:

  1. Economically strong Europe: The Presidency will focus on the economic environment and how to attract more investment and make it more stable.

  1. Modern single market: The further development of the energy union and the digital single market are key projects in order to further deepen the cooperation in the single market.

  1. Sustainable migration and asylum policies: In the current migration crisis which is putting enormous pressure on the EU and on Member States, a more sustainable migration and asylum policy should be developed and embraced.

  1. Globally engaged Europe: The future of the Union depends on the neighbouring countries and their relations with the EU. Therefore, the Slovak Presidency aims at promoting an effective European neighbourhood policy and maintaining the momentum of the accession process.

Member states holding the presidency work together closely in groups of three, called ‘trios’. The trio sets long-term goals and prepares a common agenda that will be addressed by the Council over an 18 month period. The current trio is made up of the presidencies of the Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta (each 6 months).

European Commission publishes report on Urban Adaptation to Climate Change

On 5 July, the European Commission published a new report entitled Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe 2016 — Transforming cities in a changing climate. The report tries to give answer to questions such as how regional, national and European policies can support the transformation of cities into climate-resilient communities; or what the adaptation challenges are for cities.

Urban adaptation report

Progress by Member States in reaching cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements

On 29 July 2016, the European Commission published a progress report of Member States in reaching the cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for new and existing buildings, as well as for building elements. n most cases, requirements were met for both the Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) and the Delegated Regulation on the framework methodology.

According to the cost-optimal calculations, there is still a important potential for cost-effective energy savings that can be achieved by bridging the gap between the current minimum requirements and cost-optimal levels.

The European Commission adopts Report on the implementation of the Late Payment Directive

On 26 August, The Commission published a report on the implementation of the Late Payment Directive. The report shows that, as a result of the Directive, the average payment period in business-to-business transactions in the EU has dropped by more than 10 days since 2013.

News in brief 



2 September 2016

NEPSI employers meeting

Brussels, Belgium

6 September 2016

CEN/TC 229/WG 5

Brussels, Belgium

7 September 2016

CPE Smart CE marking

Brussels, Belgium

8 September 2016

CPE TG CPR implementation

Brussels, Belgium

13 September 2016

BIBM Technical Commission

Brussels, Belgium

14 September 2016

CEN/TC 229/WG 1 and WG 4

Brussels, Belgium

20 September 2016

CEN/TC 104/TG 20

Stockholm, Sweden


6 October 2016

Environment Commission

Brussels, Belgium

6 October 2016

SG 13 (notified bodies)

Brussels, Belgium

14 October 2016

European Masonry Alliance meeting

Brussels, Belgium

19-20 October 2016

VEEP kick-off meeting

Brussels, Belgium

25 October 2016

CPE Sustainability WG

Brussels, Belgium

26 October 2016


Brussels, Belgium


2 November 2016

Fire Safe Europe meeting

Brussels, Belgium

16 November 2016

BIBM Board meeting

Brussels, Belgium

17 November 2016

Concrete Dialogue – Concrete Initiative

Brussels, Belgium

22 November 2016

ECP TF Fire and Eurocodes

Brussels, Belgium

24-25 November 2016

CEN/TC 229

Vienna, Austria

30 November 2016

European Concrete Platform Board

Brussels, Belgium

To the Newsletter of Construction Products Europe (former CEPMC), please follow this link.

To read the Newsletter of CEMBUREAU, please follow this link. You can also subscribe directly following this link

To read the Quarterly Newsletter of The Concrete Initiative, please follow this link.

List of Acronyms:

AhG – Ad-hoc Group

CPE – Construction Product Europe

DG GROW – Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

ECP – European Concrete Platform

EMA – European Masonry Alliance

IPHA – International Pre-stressed Hollowcore Association

TF – Task Force