Concrete Perspectives December 2013

Construction sector


On 29 November 2013, the European Commission held the second meeting of the High Level Tripartite Forum to discuss the work of the five Thematic Groups and the progress of the Action plan presented in its Communication on Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction Sector in July 2012.

  1. Stimulating investment in buildings’ renovation and innovation


The discussion mainly focused on financing assistance of deep renovation and tax deductions on works and reduced VAT rates on products. Simplifying regulations and reduce administrative burdens were also on the agenda of the Forum.


  1. Skills and qualifications


Creating better working conditions and safe working environment in order to ameliorate the career prospects for young people and therefore attract them to the construction sector.


  1. Sustainable use of natural resources


The Forum discussed how to promote a single structure for the measurement of the environmental performance of construction products, by building on existing environmental assessment tools and European standards.


  1. Internal market for both products and services


The discussion focused on how to identify, avoid and remove provisions in EU legal acts creating overlaps, inconsistencies, obsolete measures or excessive cumulative burden.


  1. International competitiveness


In order to foster international cooperation on regulation and standards beyond Eurocodes, the following areas shall be explored and discussed: construction design, construction products and professional services.

European Commission – Sustainable Construction Action Plan forgoes ahead



Construction Products Europe publishes blog on Declaration of Performance (DoP)

In December 2013, Construction Products Europe prepared and published a blog on its website on Declaration of Performance for construction products.

For further information, please follow this link.


Live from the European Union


Resource Efficiency Scoreboard published

On 6 December 2013, the Statistical Office of the European Union issued the Resource Efficiency Scoreboard with a set of 30 indicators for assessing the use of natural resources in the EU. The indicators are built on a previously organised public consultation (held during autumn 2012); in which the European Concrete Platform represented BIBM’s position.

In the framework of the Resource Efficiency Roadmap, the Commission is expected to issue a circular economy policy package during summer 2014 which may suggest refinements to indicators on materials alongside related policies.


The lead indicator of the Scoreboard was defined as “Resource productivity “(€/kg) which is accompanied by the indicator “Domestic material consumption” which, according to Eurostat “complements” the picture on material resources.

Next to the lead indicator, there is a dashboard of indicators focusing on land, water and carbon issues. Furthermore, a set of specific indicators were also established, focussing on the sub-themes, such as transforming the economy, nature & ecosystems and key areas.


The following indicators could be of particular interest to the concrete sector:

·Productivity of built-up areas

·Built-up areas

·Greenhouse gas emissions per capita

·Energy productivity

·Landscape fragmentation

·Total environmental tax revenues as a share of total revenues from taxes and social contributions

·Energy taxes by paying sectors – Households

·Average carbon dioxide emissions per km from new passenger cars

·Pollutant emissions from transport – NOx


The European Resource Efficiency Platform is expected to publish its final report in March 2014.


Eurostat – Press Release

Eurostat – Scoreboard


News in brief

December graph Newsletter

National award winner projects- Belgium


FEBE, the Belgian Precast Association held its annual “Elements Award” on 28 November 2013.
Awards have been awarded in three categories:

1. Precast in Building Award
2. Precast in infrastructure
3. Outstanding precast Category

In this edition, we present the category Precast in infrastructure: (vélonet).


Velh2O-12112013 2(c)Luc Maes combines the problem of bad bicycle paths with two other challenges. The first is the need for a smart network of energy pipes which should not be removed each time. The second is the infiltration or slow evacuation of storm-water and the risk of flooding. The system is composed entirely of prefabricated concrete elements.

The issue of energy lines and cables is very up-to-date. As a product development, it is innovative and has a great value. The jury was pleased to see innovative proposals that do not come from the precast sector, but use other concrete elements.

Architect: Luc Maes BVBA AD2M
Other Partners: KHBO civil engineering department and
Innovatiecentrum West -Vlaanderen





14 January 2014

CEN/TC 104/TG 20

Brussels, Belgium


21 January 2014

BIBM Communication Commission

Brussels, Belgium




17 February 2014

Directors’ meeting

Ulm, Germany


18-20 February 2014


Ulm, Germany


20 February 2014

CEN/TC 104/TG 20/Editorial Panel
Paris, France


24 February 2014


Brussels, Belgium


26 February 2014

Environmental Commission

Brussels, Belgium




4 March 2014

H&S Committee

Brussels, Belgium


5-7 March 2014

CEN/TC 104/SC 1 and CEN/TC 104

Vienna, Austria


25 March 2014

BIBM Board

Brussels, Belgium



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